NBRC Announces Availability of $3m To Improve Access to Healthcare

April 30, 2024
Contact: Liz Cross, Rural Healthcare Coordinator
(603) 369-3001
(April 30, 2024) Beginning today, healthcare providers located within the Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC) service area can apply for grant funds through the agency’s partnership with the Department of Health and Human Services’ Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). A total of $3m in federal funds will be available through HRSA’s Rural Northern Border Region Outreach Program (RNBR-OP).
This initiative aims to help underserved communities in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and New York better address their healthcare needs through the expansion and delivery of new and enhanced services. Examples of desired focus areas for proposed projects may include (but are not limited to):
- Mental and behavioral health, healthcare workforce development;
- Community health workers, addressing health disparities, rural hospital financial and operational improvement;
- Impacts of rural hospital closure;
- Care coordination;
- Patient engagement, data analytics/health information technology;
- Telehealth
“When we talk about economic development in rural communities, it is crucial that we look at the full picture of what a community needs. In some places in the NBRC region the most pressing issue facing a rural place isn’t infrastructure - but inadequate access to healthcare. This initiative seeks to focus on community level health needs and address them through increased coordination and collaboration. Healthier communities result in stronger, more inclusive economies that create opportunity for all residents” said NBRC Federal Co-Chair Chris Saunders.
Up to 12 new grants will be awarded, with annual award amounts of up to $225,000 each. At a minimum, approximately one applicant will be awarded from each NBRC state. Eligible applicants should be physically located within the NBRC service area, and may include domestic public, private, non-profit or for-profit organizations (including tribal governments and organizations). Applicants should represent a consortium of participants that include three or more healthcare provider organizations (including the applicant organization). Projects that have been previously awarded will not be able to apply for additional funding unless the intent is to expand the scope of work or area being served by the project.
The Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for FY24 Rural Northern Border Region Healthcare Support Program can be viewed here:
A Rural Norther Border Region Outreach Program NOFO Technical Assistance Webinar is scheduled for May 9, 2024, from 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. ET. The Zoom webinar can accommodate up to 500 participants through the following meeting link:
Applicants can begin the application process now on Grants.gov with a deadline to apply of June 25, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. ET.
About the Northern Border Regional Commission (www.nbrc.gov)
Created in 2008, the Northern Border Regional Commission is a federal-state partnership whose mission is to help alleviate economic distress and encourage private sector job creation in Maine, New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont.
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