
Grant Administration Information and Grants Management System (GMS) Guidance Documents

2024 Spring Round Grantees
Recorded training videos and powerpoint PDFs will be made available after each session. 

  • Session 1:  Welcome Aboard!
    Session Recording  |  Session PowerPoint PDF

  • Session 2: National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) and Build America, Buy America Act
    Coming Soon

  • Session 3: Reporting and Reimbursements
    Coming Soon

  • Session 4: Project Oversight (amendments, project changes, procurement)
    Coming Soon

  • Session 5: Closeout, Desk Reviews & Community Visits
    Coming Soon

Local Development Districts (LDD)

The NBRC Federal-State partnership is aided by a group of regional organizations called Local Development Districts (LDD's) that provide technical assistance to applicants, assist the NBRC in its outreach activities, and generally administer NBRC investments for grantees.

Reimbursement Office Hours

Are you stumped by the SF270? Are you unsure what your supporting documentation should look like, or how to calculate your reimbursement rate? Join a NBRC staff member Wednesdays from 11am-12pm EST for our "Reimbursement Office Hours" to ask your questions! No need to reserve a time, just click the meeting link and join!

Wednesdays 11a-12p

Click to access the Meeting Link
Meeting ID: 273 314 190 418
Passcode: HL4TnT

Assessing Distress in NBRC Counties

By statute, the Commission is required to annually assess the level of economic and demographic distress among the counties in its service area. Assessing distress is important as the resulting designations reflect whether or not the Commission can provide grants within a county as well as what level of match is required of Commission funded projects.

Interactive NBRC Resource Map (currently being updated)

The NBRC along with Plymouth State University created an online mapping resource to assist applicants to identify their Congressional Members, Distressed Counties, and contact information for Local Development Districts. Once there, click "Details" in the upper left hand corner for easy-to-use instructions on manipulating the map.  

NBRC Project StoryMap (work in progress)

The NBRC along with Plymouth State University developed an online StoryMap showcasing a variety of projects within the region. If you would like to have your project highlighted, please send an email to

Five Year Strategic Plan 2024-2029

Every five years, the NBRC creates a new strategic plan for its region and operations. The Plan acts as a roadmap for NBRC's investments as well as identifying opportunities for job and wealth creation.

Opportunity Zones 

Opportunity Zones were created in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 to spur investment in distressed communities in the United States. Some of the communities designated as Opportunity Zones are located in the NBRC region, and as such, the NBRC participated in The White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council, which concluded its work in 2020. The Opportunity Zone program remains active, and some communities in the region may find the resources available via the hyperlink above useful for their economic development efforts.

State Economic Development Strategies

NBRC Member States will typically utilize State economic developmnent plans as they prioritize NBRC funding applications. State plans that are used include:

Regional Allies

  • Northern Forest Center: The Center is a regional, four-state non-profit that works to create economic opportunity and community vitality from healthy working forests in the NBRC region. 
  • Northeastern States Research Cooperative: The NSRC is a competitive grant program funded by the USDA Forest Service and supporting cross-disciplinary, collaborative research in the Northern Forest

Federal & State Resources

America's Other Federal-State Partnership Commissions


Northern Border Regional Commission Lapse Plan

The following plan is to be initiated in the event of a lapse of government appropriations.

The NBRC is a “no-year” funded agency and, specifically, its appropriations "remain available until expended," enabling the NBRC to continue operations in the event of a lapse in government appropriations.

Should the funding lapse extend for a prolonged period, the Federal Co-Chair will continue to report for work as they are a Presidentially Appointed, Senate Confirmed position, and therefore exempt. The other staff of the NBRC will be furloughed until appropriations and operations are resumed.

For the entire lapse plan, please click HERE.