Northern Border Regional Commission – U.S. Economic Development Administration Partner to Award $2.25 Million Supporting Rural Infrastructure Projects

October 22, 2024
Contact: Andrea Smith, Program Director
(603) 369-3001
Today, the Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC) announces $2.25 million in funding for three projects through a partnership between the NBRC and the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA). This collaboration amplifies both agencies’ economic development impact in Northern Border communities, and the latest 2024 round of awards benefit three communities located in Maine, New York, and Vermont with projects ranging from wastewater improvements to transportation infrastructure updates.
“Every community, regardless of their size, has a need for infrastructure that is safe and reliable. Quality infrastructure is an essential building block for successful economic development and these investments will create economic opportunity for residents in these communities and throughout the region,” said NBRC Federal Co-Chair Chris Saunders. “One of Congress’ directives to regional commissions is to find ways to increase coordination between federal agencies. Our partnership with EDA is a prime example of how we bring the resources of the federal government to bear to the benefit of residents who live here.”
In an effort to ensure rural communities across Northern New England and New York have access to federal funds, NBRC has prioritized the needs of very small communities in its grant making. All of the awards being announced today are made to communities with populations under 2,000, with two of those communities (Grand Isle, ME and Clare, NY) having populations under 400 residents. The total of the awards made in 2024 from this partnership, so far, is $2,250,000 and a summary of each awarded project is below:
Town of Grand Isle, ME – $750,000: This project will fund upgrades and new infrastructure for the town’s wastewater management system, including an upgraded water treatment plant, wastewater treatment plant, and four wastewater pump stations. Awarded funds will also make the construction of new sludge drying beds possible. [Note: The NBRC also awarded this project an additional $250,000 as part of the Agency’s Catalyst Program, on June 27, 2024]
St. Lawrence County, NY – $750,000: Funds will support the replacement of a bridge carrying Tooley Pond Road over the South Branch of the Grasse River in the Town of Clare. The bridge serves as an important corridor for the timber industry as well as outdoor recreation access.
Town of Wolcott, VT – $750,000: This project supports the construction of a new, more flood-resilient community wastewater treatment system to serve Wolcott’s Village Center; crucial to supporting the village’s ability to capitalize on its prime location along the Lamoille Valley Rail Trail.
“The new system will provide opportunities to expand housing, encourage employment and commercial opportunities as well as protect water quality in the Lamoille River,” said Linda Martin, Wolcott Selectboard Chair. “The 90-mile Lamoille Valley Rail Trail runs through our rural town. It is our hope that entrepreneurs will now have the ability to develop new businesses, with a public wastewater system, to entice visitors to stop at our community.”
The NBRC has received a special appropriation since 2018 for these awards, which has resulted in working closely with the EDA to award funds to projects that meet the strategic objectives of both agencies. This collaboration amplifies both agencies’ economic development impact in Northern Border communities.
The funds for this program, and all NBRC programs, are available thanks to the support of the Congressional Delegations of all four NBRC states: Maine, New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont.
Please refer to NBRC’s website,, for announcements about future Funding Opportunities.
About the Northern Border Regional Commission (
Created in 2008, the Northern Border Regional Commission is a federal-state partnership whose mission is to catalyze community vitality and economic prosperity in Maine, New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont through flexible funding and strategic support.
About the U.S. Economic Development Administration (
The mission of the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) is to lead the federal economic development agenda by promoting competitiveness and preparing the nation's regions for growth and success in the worldwide economy. An agency within the U.S. Department of Commerce, EDA makes investments in economically distressed communities in order to create jobs for U.S. workers, promote American innovation, and accelerate long-term sustainable economic growth.
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