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Northern Border Regional Commission – Economic Development Administration Joint Awards Announced


September 25, 2019

Contact: Rich Grogan
(802) 461-8089



Northern Border Regional Commission – Economic Development Administration Joint Awards Announced


Today, the Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC) announces the funding of 6 projects under an MOU signed between the NBRC and the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) to amplify both agencies’ economic development impact in northern border communities.


The total of the awards is $2,675,130.00, and a brief summary of each of the awardees is below:


St. Lawrence County Industrial Development Agency (NY) - $535,000: St. Lawrence IDA is partnering with local organizations to build out a previously vacant industrial building in Oswegatchie, NY. The site will house a fully integrated log handling, sawing, and finishing facility. The project is estimated to result in the retention of 100 jobs, and the creation of 20 additional jobs.

Wayne County Water & Sewer (NY) - $500,000: This project will assist in the build-out of a new waterline, pump improvements, and a 2.0MM gallon water storage tank, which will impact businesses within a 6-town radius. The upgrades will result in job creation by allowing for business development in a range within the agricultural sector.

Town of Bristol (VT) - $500,000: The award will allow for the construction of infrastructure (to include roadway, communication, and storm drainage) to allow for additional business expansion in a commercial park near Bristol Village.

Mars Hill Utility District (ME) - $500,000: This project, which builds on past investments by the District, will construct new wells and structures to house a new groundwater supply for area residents and businesses. The more reliable source of water will allow for business expansion and population retention.

Northeast Kingdom Development Corporation (VT) - $390,130: This project will provide funding to build-out electrical infrastructure and power distribution at the former Gillman Paper Mill site in Gillman, VT. The infrastructure will allow commercial entities to develop on the site, creating jobs regionally in Vermont and New Hampshire.

Town of Littleton (NH) - $250,000: The award will allow for the acquisition and development of a 5-acre site in downtown Littleton, including better public access to this section of Littleton’s downtown. The project will benefit numerous local businesses, including a local farmers market, and will support the development of a new outdoor recreation area to draw visitors to Littleton year-round.


“These projects are emblematic of the achievements possible when multiple public agencies work together to address economic development challenges along our northern border,” said Federal Co- Chair Harold B. Parker. He added: “Combining the resources and expertise of multiple agencies enhances the viability of each of these projects.”


“EDA is pleased to partner with the Northern Border Regional Commission to support local strategies designed to encourage private investment and create jobs,” said U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development Dr. John Fleming. “By working together, we are best able to help these communities diversify and grow the regional economy.”


The funds for this program, and all NBRC programs, are available thanks to the support of the Congressional Delegations of all four NBRC states: Maine, New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont. Depending on the availability of funds in 2020, the NBRC anticipates another round of joint NBRC-EDA project awards next year. Please refer to NBRC’s website,, for announcements about future Funding Opportunities.




About the Northern Border Regional Commission (

Created in 2008, the Northern Border Regional Commission is a federal-state partnership whose mission is to help alleviate economic distress and encourage private sector job creation throughout the northern counties of Maine, New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont. In its eleven-year history, the commission has awarded 248 grants amounting to more than $56 million across the four states through its primary Economic & Infrastructure Development (EID) grant program and other special initiatives.


About the U.S. Economic Development Administration (

The mission of the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) is to lead the federal economic development agenda by promoting competitiveness and preparing the nation's regions for growth and success in the worldwide economy. An agency within the U.S. Department of Commerce, EDA makes investments in economically distressed communities in order to create jobs for U.S. workers, promote American innovation, and accelerate long-term sustainable economic growth.